The regular society membership meetings are held on the third Sunday of January, March, May, July, September, and November at 2:00 pm in the Lee-Baker-Hodges Building on the square in Carrollton, IL.
“All meetings are open to the public and everyone is encouraged to attend to participate in the program and view the museum exhibits.”
President: John Langer
Vice-President: Larry Gillingham
Secretary: Mary Frances Tunison
Treasurer: Terry Kruckeberg
Corresponding Secretary: Mary Ellen Varble
Roy Becker
Stephen Black
JoAnn Byland
Karen Carmody
Gary Coates
Angie Custer
James Day
Bernie Faul
Debbie Goodall
Mike Goodall
Frank Hillis
Jerry Wolfley, Honorary Trustee
John Griswold, Honorary Trustee
Curator: Roy Becker
Textile Specialist: Dottie Day
Office Staff: Margaret Camerer
Office Staff: Terry Kruckeberg
Office Staff: Gary Coates
Office Staff: Jean Coates
Appointed as needed
Larry Gillingham, Terry Kruckeberg, Mary Frances Tunison,
Mary Ellen Varble, JoAnn Byland, Roy Becker,
Gary Coates, Angie Custer, Debbie Goodall, Mike Goodall
Larry Gillingham, Steve Black
Terry Kruckeberg
Budget & Finance
Terry Kruckeberg, James Day,
Steve Black, Frank Hillis, Bernie Fall
: Mary Ellen Varble, JoAnn Byland, Roy Becker, Gary
Coates, Angie Custer, Debbie Goodall, Mike Goodall
Building & Grounds
James Day, Karen Carmody, Frank Hillis
Long Range Planning
John Langer, Larry Gillingham, James Day, JoAnn Byland,
Steve Black, Roy Becker, Gary Coates, Angie Custer,
Karen Carmody, Frank Hillis, Debbie Goodall,
Mike Goodall, Bernnie Faul
Mary Frances Tunison, Mary Ellen Varble, Karen Carmody, Bernie Faul
The mission of the Society shall be to research, collect, care for, exhibit, and interpret items that illustrate the history of Greene County from settlement to the present time, and place it in the context of the history of the State of Illinois.
PO Box 137 Carrollton, Illinois 62016
Phone: 217-942-6013
Click here to contact us
Wednesday & Friday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Copyright © Greene County Historical & Genealogical Society. All Rights Reserved.