Mission of the Society

The mission of the Society shall be to research, collect care for, exhibit, and interpret items that illustrate the history of Greene County from settlement to the present time, and place it in the context of the history of the State of Illinois. The Society shall assist in historical and genealogical research for educational and patriotic purposes; provide for the preservation of such material and its accessibility to all who wish to examine or study it; and shall encourage the preservation of historic buildings, monuments, and markers. The Society shall disseminate historical information by publicizing such material in newspapers or otherwise, by developing educational programs, and by operating a museum for the benefit of the public.

The Society may receive and hold gifts and devises of real and personal estate from any source for the benefit of the Society and may dispose of any real estate, chattel, and personal property not needed, and use solely for the purpose of the Society any funds derived there from, or from gifts generally, and do all things incident to the perpetuation of the Society. All of the foregoing is for carrying on the work of the Society for educational, patriotic, and historical purposes as provided in Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.

The Society’s mission shall guide all efforts, including research, collections, exhibits, public programs, and sponsorship of earned income activities. Every effort shall be made to document accurately and to interpret impartially the contribution of all groups who are a part of the historical record of Greene County.

Society Meetings

The regular society membership meetings are held on the third Sunday of January, March, May, July, September, and November at 2:00 pm in the Lee-Baker-Hodges Building on the square in Carrollton, IL.

“All meetings are open to the public and everyone is encouraged to attend to participate in the program and view the museum exhibits.”

Officers, Trustees, Committee Members

President: John Langer
Vice-President: Larry Gillingham
Secretary: Mary Frances Tunison
Treasurer: Terry Kruckeberg
Corresponding Secretary: Mary Ellen Varble


Roy Becker

Stephen Black

JoAnn Byland

Karen Carmody

Gary Coates

Angie Custer

James Day

Bernie Faul

Debbie Goodall

Mike Goodall

Frank Hillis

Jerry Wolfley, Honorary Trustee

John Griswold, Honorary Trustee


Curator:  Roy Becker

Textile Specialist: Dottie Day

Office Staff: Margaret Camerer

Office Staff: Terry Kruckeberg

Office Staff: Gary Coates
Office Staff: Jean Coates


Appointed as needed

Larry Gillingham, Terry Kruckeberg, Mary Frances Tunison,
Mary Ellen Varble, JoAnn Byland, Roy Becker,
Gary Coates, Angie Custer, Debbie Goodall, Mike Goodall

Larry Gillingham, Steve Black

Terry Kruckeberg

Budget & Finance
Terry Kruckeberg, James Day,
Steve Black, Frank Hillis, Bernie Fall


:  Mary Ellen Varble, JoAnn Byland, Roy Becker, Gary
Coates, Angie Custer, Debbie Goodall, Mike Goodall

Building & Grounds
 James Day, Karen Carmody, Frank Hillis

Long Range Planning
John Langer, Larry Gillingham, James Day, JoAnn Byland,
Steve Black, Roy Becker, Gary Coates, Angie Custer,
Karen Carmody, Frank Hillis, Debbie Goodall,
Mike Goodall, Bernnie Faul

 Mary Frances Tunison, Mary Ellen Varble, Karen Carmody, Bernie Faul

View the society’s long-range plan for 2019 to 2024. 
Help us to attain our goals!